Cashel Folk Village
Dominic Street, Cashel, Co. Tipperary
Call us:
087 915 1316
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Cashel Folk Village will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays in November, December and January except for Group Bookings made 3days in advance.

The Easter Rising/War of Independence Museum
Arguably the real highlight of the entire Cashel Folk Village Collection, you are now entering into what is undoubtedly the finest private collection of original historical memorabilia, artefacts and weaponry relating to the aforementioned period. Whether your particular interest in this period relates to Michael Collins, Eamon De Valera, Dan Breen, Thomas Ashe, Pierce McCann, Dinny Lacey, or so many more Irishmen who played huge roles in the heroic attempt to gain Irish Independence, you will be astounded by the sheer range of original memorabilia on display here.
We are particularly honoured to have acquired only last year, during the 100th Anniversary of the 1916 commemorations, the original memorabilia of local Cashel patriot Michael Donovan. Michael Donovan, born in Boherclough Street in Cashel, was the only Cashel man, and by extension only Tipperaryman, to have fought and survived in the Easter Rising/War of Independence/Civil War period. He fought under Commandant Eamon De Valera during The Rising. All of his memorabilia; his Easter Rising medal plus the actual armband he wore during combat, his War of Independence medal plus certificate, his pensions service record, a photograph of himself, Eamon De Valera and other survivors of their brigade taken years later, and also his burial records, are all contained in a beautiful display case in this museum.

We would like to pay tribute here to his nephew, Mark Donovan, a man that the people of Cashel are now proud to call a true friend of this town.
Mark is the man who had lovingly kept all of his uncle’s memorabilia in a private safe in England, on Merseyside where he and his lovely wife Ann now live, for safe keeping. Off his own bat he decided in 2016 to donate this historic collection back to the town of his uncle’s birth. At his own expense he booked flights, accommodation etc. to Ireland, having already made the decision to donate the entire collection to Cashel Folk Village. At a very special public ceremony attended by a large crowd, Mark and his wife Ann handed over his entire collection to Senator Labhras O Murchu, Chairman of Ceoltas Ceolteori Eireann and esteemed member of Seanad Eireann, but also Cashel-born in Boherclough Street, who had generously made himself available to accept this magnificent collection on behalf of Cashel Folk Village. Following Labhras’ typically brilliant acceptance speech, Mark and Ann are now revered in the town of Cashel for their generosity in donating all of their beloved items.